How long will a divorce process take? And how much will it cost?

How long will a divorce process take? And how much will it cost? 

Probably two of the most common questions in divorce that I get are:  1)    How much will this cost? and  2)    How long will this take?

The answer to each question breaks down into a simple “it depends” answer.  The biggest factor in determining how much will a divorce cost and how much time will it take depends on the process you choose.  In my experience out-of-court options take far less time and cost less because they are focused exclusively on reaching an agreement and you don’t have to jump through as many administrative hoops. 

After you choose a process the next determining factor for divorce cost and length of process likely depends on the conflict level between you and your spouse.  How is your communication with your spouse?  Even in the divorce, how you and your soon to be ex-spouse relate to one another matters greatly in the overall cost and length of the divorce.  If you and your spouse have high conflict in communication (no communication or emotionally flooded *Anger etc.* communication) it is going to add more time and cost to your divorce. 

The second factor in determining cost and length of your divorce process is the complexity of your case.  Do you have complex assets?  Either of you own a business? Do you or your spouse have non-marital property? Each of these factors and many more may mean you will have to go through more steps in the overall divorce process in order to adequately resolve or reach an agreement on each issue.  The more complex your situation the more time and money the divorce will cost you.  However, there are different divorce options available that are tailored address each complex issue or concern in an efficient cost effective manner.